

Please remember: We train to build integrity for the present, and as a foundation for a future. We study the external and internal principles of the martial arts in order to live with strength and potential. The inherent nature of self-defense requires us to promote the health and integrity of those around us first, our nation, our community, to sustain and improve life. In this time of pandemic the integration of these concepts and principles in daily life are imperative. Be vaccinated and boosted.


The most important thing you will ever do is what you do now. The best thing you will ever do is yet to come, born on the integrity of your efforts. SF

Registration here for any of the seminars listed above. 

Registration is guaranteed at the time of payment.  While we will take payment on the day of the event, advanced registration is greatly appreciated.



Registration payments using – SQUARE          



You can make registration payments or Donations to Shindai Dojo using

Venmo….   @ShindaiDojo


Experience vigorous and spirited learning.

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