ASU Florida Regional Testing Seminar – 9/13-15, 2024

September 13-15

  • Friday: 6-9 PM
  • Saturday: 9:30-Noon /2:30 – Testing
  • Sunday: 10:00 –  Noon – Testing ?

The testing schedule is subject to change.

ASU Florida Regional Testing Seminar (we’re back!) will be hosted this year at Shindai Aikikai in Orlando. We will re-engage this tradition among the Florida Dojos, and also open it to other ASU candidates on September 13-15. We are inviting all qualified ASU candidates recommended for Shodan, Nidan, and Sandan ranks to register and test before a panel of ASU senior instructors, and alongside their friends and peers. Instruction and testing will be led by one of Saotome Sensei’s most senior students, John Messores Sensei 7th Dan, along with chief instructors from Florida ASU schools.

The purpose of this event is not to create just another seminar, but instead to host an consistent annual event dedicated to Florida ASU students testing for Yudansha ranks. We will also open this up in 2024 to all ASU candidates. If you qualify per the standards set forth on the website, and if you provide a recommendation, join us in testing in front of Messores Sensei and a designated board of top senior ASU instructors. Experience the inter-dojo friendships forged  through the bonds of training and testing together with your peers.

If you are interested in testing, or would like a printable copy of the flyer please contact Steve Fasen Sensei by email:, or by text at: 407-435-9103.

Paperwork will be required by Sept. 7, 2024. Send paperwork and recommendation to

The general seminar fee is $100.00 / Includes a post-testing catered dinner at the dojo on Saturday evening.

Testing candidate seminar fees are $50.00.

Donations are accepted to defray costs. They can be made on this website.