The Psychology of the Warrior Spirit

The Psychology of the Warrior Spirit
by Lynn Seiser, Ph.D.
Tenshinkai Aikido/Lucaylucay Kali


We talk about the warrior spirit, but seldom define it. A warrior is someone who faces conflict. Spirit is something other than physical. Psychology is the study of humanity, the thinking, and feeling aspect of the ego identity. It is our mind and our heart. A warrior’s body maybe the weapon, but how that weapon is used depends on the heart and mind of the warrior, their spirit.

Warriors move towards a quick and strategic conclusion to conflict, not away from it. A warrior knows avoidance only postpones the inevitable, and never resolves conflict. A warrior holds a single concentrated focus, the objective, the mission, or the goal. A warrior knows that fear comes from negative fantasies about the future. By staying focused in the present task at hand, there is no fear. A warrior accepts that death is inevitable and, while not wanting to, is not afraid to die. A warrior believes in saving lives even if it makes taking some. A warrior believes in a deep code of honor. Warriors do the right thing in the face of obstacles and opposition. A warrior welcomes responsibility and accountability. They make and take no excuses. A warrior believes in and practices a disciplined life. A warrior knows there are no short cuts and accepts daily discipline as a way of life, both the means and the end. A warrior knows that every challenge is another opportunity to practice and improve their skills. Warriors know they make others uncomfortable in times of peace, yet are welcomed in time of conflict. A warrior accepts this is not what they do, but who they are in the depths of their minds, their hearts, and their spirit.

A warrior feels compassion for the people they protect. Tears are often behind their eyes, for it is love, not hate, which motivates. A warrior feels compassion and indifference for the enemy. The enemy chooses that someone will die. A warrior only chooses who. A warrior accepts that courage comes in the presence, not absence of fear. Afraid or not, a warrior keeps emotional arousal in check and uses the energy to complete the task. A warrior feels confident in the skills of conflict and war; not arrogant in their ego, for this is an exploitable weakness. A warrior feels everything everyone else does, but chooses to respond differently. A warrior feels a deep love and commitment to peace. It is what they train, fight, live, and die for.

The warrior learns their ego identity by the parents and society that raise them. The beliefs held in the minds are also learned through different experiences. These perceptions or beliefs determine the feelings held in the heart. Anything which is learned can be unlearned and relearned, therefore one can learn to have a warrior’s spirit. All societies and cultures have had warriors throughout the ages. It is one of the oldest archetypes and is within all of us. By looking deep into the psychology, the mind and heart, we can learn to express and live by the warrior spirit.

“We do not rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”

So, train well physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. KWATZ!