
Welcome to Shindai Aikikai AIKIDO  Dojo !


Shindai Dojo was established in 1986 by the late Dennis Hooker Sensei (ASU Shihan – 7th Dan). Shindai has occupied its current location since 1996, maintaining its status as the largest and longest running Aikido school in Central Florida.  Chief Instructor Steve Fasen Sensei (ASU 6th Dan) leads a diverse, experienced, internationally recognized teaching staff providing consistent, reliable, exceptional training in Aikido, and the principles of Budo 7 days a week.

Shindai Aikikai Aikido Dojo is a member dojo of the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba (ASU). We are dedicated to offering training in the martial art of Aikido as founded by O’Sensei, and articulated through the teachings of  his Uchi Deshi  Mitsugi Saotome Sensei.

The Shindai facility is also an established Budokan … supporting other Japanese Martial Arts in our facility.  This means that Shindai hosts a select group of traditional Japanese martial disciplines ( of unaffiliated organizations ), which share a cultural lineage and Budo spirit. These martial arts include: Aikido,  Judo,  Daito Ryu Aiki Jujitsu , Danzan Ryu Jujitsu, Kendo, and Japanese sword arts through (Toyama Batto Do), Eishin ryu Iai Jutsu Shito Ryu Karate, and Sumo.

In addition to the daily regular classes, we host special advanced seminars taught by leading guest instructors from the world of Aikido.

Regardless of rank or affiliation, you are welcome to train at our dojo.

Understanding Aikido

Aikido is a Japanese Martial Art created during the 1920s by Morihei Ueshiba (1883~1969), a master in the classical Japanese Martial Arts. Aikido grows worldwide through a lineage of his students.

Aikido is performed physically through integration with the energies of the attacker. The interaction utilizes the force of an attack rather than opposing it head-on. Aikido is not a sport, having no staged competitions. The goal of Aikido training is not focused on the perfection of one step or skill, but rather unification of a body of capabilities while strengthening the integrity of one’s character according to principles and the rules of nature. It is conflict resolution.

The physical study of Aikido builds strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance. Most students find the stress reduction a benefit, along with self-awareness/control, confidence, and the heightened ability to focus.  Aikido can be a very effective form of self-defense, this is not the primary focus of Aikido, but rather a natural outcome.  We do not train to fight or to score points, we train for life. The mastery of conflict resolution begins as we strive for agatsu, which is a greater control of ourselves through a unification of mind/body/spirit.

The nature of Aikido training makes it accessible to all ages, genders, and physical skill levels. When practiced diligently, there is enhanced integration into energized daily living. The Aikido dojo is an ideal safe place to deepen the understanding of human interaction, and the development of meaningful relationships, which is the highest form of self-defense.


Shindai Dojo is known nationally and internationally for the integrity of it’s programs and instruction. Our reputation in the greater Aikido community is held in high esteem in no small part due to the quality of our teaching staff.  All regular instructors actively train and are ranked above Sandan They are trained over time to diligence based experience, in order to impart a direction of value for all.  All instructors are ASU certified students of Mitsugi Saotome Shihan,   world-renowned head of the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba .

Visit Us

We invite you to train with us in any of a variety of the classes we offer throughout the week. You may also just drop in to watch a class at will.  You will be welcomed.



“Aikido is a great martial art but only as good as what you put into it. The instructors at Shindai ensure you understand what’s being taught and they care how the techniques are presented.” – Phil Van Tresse Sensei Tomiki -8thDan

Experience vigorous and spirited learning.

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